Magic Sauce

Our recipe……

By “secret sauce” most professionals mean a differentiator, that gives a target audience a compelling reason to hire them rather than hire some law firm or a retired academic in the field. AI and machine learning is not a component of a typical due diligence consultant’s toolkit. Frankly, the technological advances that make this possible were only proofing out within the past year or so.

Our recipe is simple. We use AI machine learning to compare the 3D structure of any API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) that is being developed with the 3D structure of the target protein or other molecule in the proposed mechanism of action. Where no published 3D structure exists, we will develop the most probable configuration.

The report generated provides a technical rational for the percent success or failure of the proposed mechanism of action without the time and expense of extensive animal testing. This report is based on products such as Alpha Fold 2 software which provide confidence levels in excess of 90%.

Once the basis for the mechanism of action is estimated using one of 60 National Institutes Health recognized “docking” software programs the API structure is “docked” with our proprietary screen of common human proteins to provide an indication of any potential toxicology or other unexpected interactions that may fail the project downstream.

Additional review using the largest bio databases in the world, including the European Bioinformatics Institute can provide finer granularity comparing any API and targeted diseased protein structure. The efficiency of realizing potential success or failure before committing capital resources to a project is undeniable and will become state of the art shortly.